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If you are seeking the strongest of all black magick love spells, look no further. These love spells are the most powerful that I am able to perform. If you have any questions about magick in general, or black magick specifically, please pop over to the FAQ section where all common queries are answered. 


Many other love spell options and other types of black magick can be found within the black magick spells section.


5 x 5 PENTAGRAM SPELL: In many cases one love spell is ample. However, it is possible to achieve a greater power by casting a series of love spells; this creates a chain of intense vibrations which will penetrate your situation day and night with a potent beam of hypnotic black magic psychic energy that must be obeyed. 5 black magic love spells are each cast once over 5 nights  with each spell multiplying the power of the previous spell. Hypnotic, seductive  black magic energy will compel the one you love to obey these black magic love spells.This spell service is entirely customizable - you tell me exactly what your main aims are and I will use the black magick love spells that will be the most helpful for your situation.

NOTE: If you want to break a couple up, you will need to order that service separately. Also,
this service does NOT mean you get to choose 5 different black magick love spells from my store. It means I will work on five AREAS you want work done for, and I will select spells from my Grimoire on a case by case basis, depending on what I feel suits best. Please do NOT request break up work, reconciliation work, contact work or binding work as those particular areas have to have their own very special spell work done.
PRICE : £395


7 SISTERS: This unique and extra-special black magick love spell service involves something that none of my other spell work involves - the 7 sisters black magick service draws on the super-powerful energy of 7 spirits to render the love magick as strong as strong can be. It simply does not get any more powerful. Spirit summoning to aid in the magickal process is the absolute pinnacle of power that I can draw on in my magickal practices. Please note that this love spell work does NOT involve me summoning "demons" and furthermore, the work does NOT result in you being attached to any spirits yourself. The 7 spirits I call upon during the cermonies for your love spells  are working with me, on your behalf. There is abolsutely nothing for you to fear - strange things are not going to start happening in your home! It is an exhaustive spell service, covering everything your situation will need;this will be decided upon once I know the background and your primary desires where the target is concerned. The spirits will also guide me as to what areas need the most focus , ensuring all blockages are cleared and all the most important issues are targetted.


NOTE: This service does NOT mean you get to choose 7 different black magick love spells from my store. It means I will work on 7 AREAS you want work done for, and I will select spells from my Grimoire on a case by case basis, depending on what I feel suits best. Please do NOT request break up work, reconciliation work, contact work or binding work as those particular areas have to have their own very special spell work done.This extensive black magick love spells service takes place over the course of 7 consecutive days. Each day, 7 spells are cast ,1 time each (total of 49 casts). Each session of spell work is preceded by my private spirit-summoning ceremony. These spirits will be besides me as the castings are done each day, pouring their own energies into the love spells .

PRICE : £550

Deluxe Black Magick Love Spells

PriceFrom £395.00
  • Two deluxe black magick love spells are available for those of you who want the strongest magick of all. This is the creme de la creme of love spell magick. 

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