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On Vacation 16th-30th June

Due to many years of severe migraines upsetting so many plans, I haven't been abroad since 2016 as I didn't want to spend such a chunk of money & feel it was wasted while I potentially had my holiday ruined by days of head pain. I am off to Crete Sunday 16th June, returning very late on 30th. Please scroll down for ordering info...

Ordering Info While I'm Away

Order  by 13th for Prompt Casting

If you want your spell work done promptly, order by 13th June as I will be prepping and taking spell envelopes with me. I will NOT be doing readings or Astrology reports while away. Any item that needs mailing out won't be posted until a few days after I return. 

For Things Ordered While I'm Away

If your order comes in when I am actually away, I am unlikely to acknowledge it but be assured I have received it. I get sent an order form via Wix or Paypal, depending on how you pay, so there is no need to chase me up to ask if I got it. I will probably leave contacting anyone until I am back home. I will be very tired on the Monday so it will likely be the Tuesday I contact you to book your work in

Photographic Proof

While away, I will NOT be doing my usual sorting and sending of spell photos. It is too time consuming. Anything ordered the week beginning Monday June 10th through June 30th, spell photos will not be sorted until Monday July 8th. I will have a lot to catch up on the week I return, and the first couple of days I will be tired and busy with chores, shopping, laundry, etc. You know how it goes after a trip! 


Any email enquiries are unlikely to be answered until I've been back a couple of days. Please be sure to check the FAQ pages as all common questions are answered there.

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