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Prices shown are for ONE casting of your chosen Hoodoo family or friends spells. Add the item TWICE for a double cast or THREE times for a triple cast (each extra casting adds strength)


PREGNANCY : Powerful formula used to increase your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. Use if you are pregnant right now, or trying to get pregnant. Will help if you are having trouble trying to conceive, and will protect you in an existing or future pregnancy if past pregnancies have ended prematurely.

ATTRACT NEW FRIENDS : If you are feeling a bit alone in life, or would just like to meet some new people who will enrich your life, this Hoodoo friends spell will bring opportunities to make some new friends. Use it to attract new friends in general, or target someone specific who you would really like to become friends with.

RETURN A FRIEND : Has someone gone out of your life ? Are you hoping that they will return, and that things can be made right between you ? Or maybe you haven't see someone in an age but cannot find them, or perhaps someone is just not returning your calls or emails ? If looking to repair a friendship or have an old friend come back in your life, this Hoodoo friends spell will help.

PEACEFUL HOME : This Hoodoo family spell works to bring peace and harmony into your home, and is especially useful if things have been up and down quite a bit and need rebalancing. It encourages everyone in the house to get along better.

SQUEAKY CLEAN : This spell works to cleanse your home of general negative energies which have built up. It clears and refreshes your space. 

DIXIE JOHN : This Hoodoo family spell is similar to peaceful home, but is geared specifically towards couples whose relationship problems are the issue, affecting the home life of everyone concerned.

BLESSING : A general blessings spell to bless anything you would like blessed, eg a new home, a new baby, a new friendship, etc

HOUSE SALE : This spell is designed to help your property to sell, whether it is fairly new on the market or has been around a while.

BANISHING : A spell designed to banish negative spiritual/occult forces from your home. 

STAY AT HOME : Encourages your loved one to spend more time at home with the family. If they are away or lot or always busy with work or other things, this Hoodoo family spell will work to make them reassess their actions and prioritize family matters more.

COMMUNICATION : A spell that works to improve the line of comminication between people, where this has broken down . A useful spell if there have been problems leading to communication issues of any kind.

UNDERSTANDING : This spell is designed to bring more compassion and understanding between two people. A good choice if there have been problems or misunderstandings, or where your loved one needs to develop a more sensitive approach.

ANGEL : This Hoodoo family spell works to calm troubled situations, so if there are issues or problems within the home or family, choose this spell to bring more peaceful conditions and lower the stress levels of everyone concerned.

HOUSE BLESSING : A spell designed to bless the home you live in. A good choice if you feel that the energies at home are unsettled or "off" in any other kind of way. This blessing spell is also a great choice when you move residence and want to bless and protect your new home.

Hoodoo Family & Friends Spells

SKU: 126351351935
  • You can mix and match any spells. Prices for Hoodoo family and friends spells display in UK currency but international orders are welcome. Please refer to the FAQ area of the main menu for answers to all common questions - everything you need to know is answered there.

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