Reiki Master and Man of Many Talents
Tarot Magick is pleasd to be able to offer a range of Reiki products supplied by Reiki Master, Sean Donovan, who resides in Cardiff, Wales. Sean is pictured here some years ago in front of one of his paintings. As a young man, he attended university to complete a degree in Fine Arts, and over the years has produced a prolific amount of beautiful, orginal art works, some of which you can view over on his website
In addition to being a Reiki Master of extraordinary power and an extremely talented painter, his skills extend also to sculpture, writing and music. He has indeed been blessed in the 'gifts' department! Around 10 years ago, wanting to broaden his horizons and learn something new, Sean trained to become a Reiki Master in Cardiff, attending courses that qualified him to practitioner level. Over the years, he has performed this on a word of mouth basis, helping lots of people to heal from wounds of all kinds, some physical, others emotional or spiritual.
Sean has a big heart and the most wonderful healing energy that is difficult to describe without you meeting him in person. If you were able to give him a nice big hug, you would know right away what I am talking about! I've known Sean for many years and I am so pleased to be able to offer his reiki products here on Tarot Magick.
Over time, a greater variety of reiki offerings will be added to the site, and I am also in talks with him to make some hand -cast magical talismans, so keep an eye on the site and/or be sure to sign up for the newsletter by visiting the homepage and scrolling down to the end, where you will find the sign up box.
Can I Contact Reiki Master Sean Directly?
At present, I will be the point of contact for any orders of Sean's products. Sean does not 'work for me', he simply provides the products. All questions and answers about reiki and about his products are addressed over at the Reiki Healing FAQs area, but should you have a question that is NOT answered, and that is relevant to a reiki product you are considering buying, please use the contact form and I will forward your query to him. He will then reply to you from his personal Gmail.
If, on the other hand, you have already ordered something, I will have acknowledged your order and privately provided you with his email, so just go ahead and get in touch with him directly. I can't display his email here because displayed email addresses seem to be a magnet for spammers! Please DO NOT go through his Art website to contact him. In due course, Sean will have a website dedicated to his Reiki, but for now, as this is 'my business' his items are for sale through, all contact must come to me first and foremost.